Hi guys, today I´m gonna talk about my favorite movie

I´m not really sure what is my favorite movie because I´m not very good to see movies, I prefer to do other thing over saw films, but if I need to choose one probably is The Pianist, this movie is about a polish jewish pianist and how he escape and avoid the nazis in the second world war, I liked because you can empathize with the character and they tell the stories just like it was, dont hide any details is very graphic but at the same time you can watch the real story and the horrorific ways the history can be.

The movies I like to watch are those that the final it´s not necesarially ends in a good way, you can say I like to see sad movies like The Pianist, Grave of the fireflies, Dead poetry society or The hunt (Jagten), I don´t know specifically why I like this kind of movies, but I enjoy it.

The last movie I saw was The goodfather, man this movie is amazing but is a looooong movie so you need  time, also is a very good movie and a classic film, the transformation of Michael Corleone and how you can be persuade by the mafia essence is whats make this movie a classic, so 100% recommended.

Thank you for make you the time to read this, Colo colo bless you.


  1. The movie "The pianist" is very good, I'm a fan !!!!!!
    It's really sad and tough :(
    I would like to see the movie "The Godfather", I think I will see it during the week of recess.
    Happy week off.


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