Hi, today I´m gonna tell you how I came to study Architecture but we need to start from the beginning

When I was a child I remember that I want to be a roof seller, ok I know is weird but when I was a child one of my favorite series was "Bob el constructor" so that explains it, after I change my dreams job to a Hot Dog Seller because I like to much the Hot Dog at chilean way of course so if I was a Hot Dog Seller I could eat as many as I want.

In the High school when my parents start asking me questions about what I want to study or do in the future I was super decided to study architecture, I never had a plan B so when i graduated of High school and did the PSU in 2018 I applied to the Universidad de Chile as my first option and Universidad Diego Portales as the second option, I was accepted in my second option so I decided to take a sabbatical year and study for the PSU in a preuniversity because I wanted to study in the Universidad de Chile for being one of the best universities of the country, well after doing the PSU I did again the same postulation but this time I was accepted in my first option in 2020 so after a complicated year here we are.

After finish the career I want to job in a social area, because in Chile the access to a house by a family is ridiculously expensive so if I can help in this area I will do it.


  1. Dear Renato.
    I had no idea you wanted to be a hot dog seller JAJAJA. I loved reading that, I'm a hot dog fanatic, so I would have been your number one buyer.
    I'm glad you decided to enter this university. Thanks to that I met you and you're a good friend. xoxo

  2. Hi Reno, I am very surprised that you did not want to continue with your dream of selling hot dogs, it is a great sadness.
    I would have been your number 1 buyer, I really like hot dogs. On the other hand, selling roofs doesn't seem like such a crazy idea at all.


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