Hi, today I´m going to talk about my favorite piece of technology, of course, as a good annoying lol player, my main technology I use is the computer, but I also use my cellphone a lot. The reason why I choose the computer is because I sit in front of it the most part of the time.

The computer is a digital machine with a screen where you can use softwares, play videogames, connect to the internet or do practically whatever you want if you don´t have VTR.

The first computer I had was the one that gives the goverment when you go tho the high school, the famous Junaeb computers, in my time you earned it if you was one of the best grades.

I use the computer the most part of the time to connect to my university classes in Zoom, use programs as Photoshop and Autocad for my university works, play videogames, see videos or just chat and speak with my friends.

I like the computer because is a versatile tool and easy to use, but the computer i have at this moment is not good enough to do what I want for the reason that it cost 84 bucks in the Feria.

If computers doesn´t exist I think my life would be so boring and off course I couldn't have online class at the university but the thing I would miss the most is speak with my dear friends in Discord.

this is me I swear.


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